Black queer-lesbian perspectives on white-dominated migration narratives
Lecture by Dshamilja Adeifio Gosteli und Henrie Dennis
As part of lecture series
15.01.2025, 18:00
Universität für angewandte Kunst, Hörsaal 1
Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Wien
The lecture series for the academic year 2024/25, titled Flight, Migration, and Gender Dynamics, explores the intricate interplay between gender and sexuality within the context of flight and migration. Marginalized perspectives, such as gender-specific reasons for flight and migration as well as persecution based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity, but also power-political backgrounds will be addressed in the lecture series.
The lecture series is open to all interested persons. Students Students can complete the lecture series as a course semester and register via until 16. October 2024.