Academy of Unlearning

Mentoring Program  

Academy of Unlearning by kulturen in bewegung is a mentoring programme in tandem by and for women* in cultural education. It is aimed at women from diaspora communities who want to get to know this field better and develop in it. In personal meetings with a mentor, mentees receive an overview of the activities and structures of a cultural institution. At the same time, workshops offer space for dealing with current issues in cultural education.

The focus is on mutual exchange: mentors and mentees share their experiences, thoughts and observations, learn from each other and broaden their perspectives together. Working in tandem, they develop an idea for mediation that opens up new perspectives and brings the diversity of voices into cultural institutions.

The Academy of Unlearning brings together knowledge that often exists separately by connecting people from different backgrounds. It is a place of encounter, open dialogue and a space of possibility in which knowledge transfer takes place on the basis of mutual appreciation.

Unlearning here does not mean forgetting, but reflecting, exploring and questioning: What ideas about knowledge shape us? What knowledge is missing or not recognised? Our perception of knowledge is always embedded in cultural, historical and political contexts. Sometimes it is precisely the conscious lack of knowledge that opens up new realms of experience – especially in art.

Art education goes beyond the mere transfer of knowledge: it creates encounters, promotes reflection and personal experience. The Academy of Unlearning explores how knowledge is created from different perspectives and contexts and which global and diversity-related issues shape art education today.

Academy of Unlearning will take place again in 2025. The open call for participation will be announced via the website, newsletter, social media and partner institutions. 

With support from
Verein Frauen helfen Frauen helfen, Austrian Development Agency and the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna - MA7