Academy of Unlearning

Mentoring Program  

Academy of Unlearning by kulturen in bewegung is a tandem mentoring program by and for women* in cultural mediation. It is aimed at women* from diaspora communities who want to explore this field more deeply. In individual meetings with a mentor, mentees receive an overview of the activities and structures of a cultural institution. Additionally, workshops address current issues in cultural mediation. Mentors and mentees exchange experiences, observations, and knowledge, enabling mutual learning.  

Academy of Unlearning connects knowledge that is typically kept separate by bringing together people from different fields. We view the Academy as a space for encounters, where knowledge transfer happens through the appreciation of diverse disciplines and experiences.  

"Unlearning," broadly speaking, refers to reflecting on what has already been learned, exploring collective knowledge, and recognizing “absent” knowledge. What we know, and the criteria we use to define something as “knowledge,” is a process always influenced by cultural, historical, and political contexts. Sometimes, it can be beneficial to momentarily “not know” something, allowing for new experiences, especially in the realm of art. The individual perception of an artwork often occurs in “in-between spaces.”  

Cultural mediation is much more than knowledge transfer: it enables encounters, personal engagement, and unique experiences. The mentoring program by kulturen in bewegung addresses, among other things, global perspectives and issues of diversity in the practice of cultural mediation. It seeks to explore how knowledge can emerge from diverse perspectives and contexts.  

The project was conducted for the first time from January to December 2024 with the following partner organizations and mentors:

Wiener Konzerthaus | Sophie Löschenbrand und Mira Possert

Volkskundemuseum Wien | Katrin Prankl und Katharina Richter-Kovarik 

Dschungel Wien | Elif Bilici und Anna Horn 

Wiener Staatsoper | Krysztina Winkel und Katharina Augendopler

Kultursommer Wien | Joana Müller und Gudrun Schmidinger 

brut Wien | Hanna Steinmair

Wiener Festwochen | Eva Wolfesberger 

Wien Museum | Ümit Mares-Altinok und Isabel Termini

A retrospective of the resulting presentations can be found here

Academy of Unlearning will take place again in 2025. The open call for participation will be announced via the website, newsletter, social media and partner institutions. 

With support from
Verein Frauen helfen Frauen helfen, Austrian Development Agency and the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna - MA7


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Presentations 2024

Academy of Unlearning: Mentoring-Program

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Workshops 2024

Academy of Unlearning: Mentoring-Program
Kick Off and Workshops 1 - 4
