LaLaLa - Concerts for Kids

LaLaLa... three syllables that are with us through life.
LaLaLa... worldwide, immediate, direct, spontaneous, sky-high, melancholic, sad, sensitive, lightning fast or at a snail's pace.

In 2024, the three Vienna-based musicians Rina Kaçinari, Özlem Bulut and Sakina Teyna will be performing their own compositions about life, love and everyday things for the whole family for the first time in this constellation. From jazz to classical, avant-garde and traditional to pop, as well as sounds from their homeland.

LaLaLa - Concerts for Children is a concert series for children and their families initiated in 2012, which takes place in Vienna's suburbs. In one-hour concerts, artists invite children to join them on sound adventures around the world. Because no matter where on this earth music is played, it awakens feelings, goes directly into the ears, into the head, the legs, the heart and into the stomach.

Event Dates



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LaLaLa - Überall Musik!

as part of Musikalischen Adventkalender

10.12.2024, 16:00
Kulturhaus Brotfabrik, 1100 Wien

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LaLaLa - Überall Musik!

Concert for children and the whole family

10.11.2024, 15:00
Brunnenpassage, 1160 Wien

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Verfassung im Dialog

Light Art, Music und Performance

Freyung, 1010 Wien

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LaLaLa - Überall Musik! at 7.Tag der Wohnstrasse Burjanplatz

Family Concert

20.09.2024, 16:00
Burjanplatz, 1150 Wien

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LaLaLa - Überall Musik! at MGSSF 2024

street party, concert
with Rina Kaçinari and Sakina Teyna

Saturday, June 22nd, 2024, 4pm
Mariengasse 1170, Vienna Hernals


LaLaLa - Überall Musik!

family concert
with Rina Kaçinari, Özlem Bulut and Sakina Teyna

Saturday, 13th April 2024, 3pm
Stand 129, Vienna

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Candy Licious
Reading for children

Saturday, 07.10.23, 15:00
Kulturhaus Brotfabrik, Wien

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Martha Laschkolnig: step by step GRAD’US
Clownperformance and Workshop

Saturday, 22.10.22, 16:00
Kulturhaus Brotfabrik, Vienna

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LaLaLa Concert for Kids Nowruz

LaLaLa - Concerts for Kids
Culture X Change # Iran

15.05.2022, 15:00
Alter Schlachthof Wels
