Wiener Stadtgespräch
Tupoka Ogette in conversation with Barbara Tóth
14.06.2023, 19 Uhr
AK Bildungsgebäude, Theresianumgasse 16–18 1040 Wien und Live-Stream
Thinking and living critically of racism
How can we create a more just world for all of us?
Tupoka Ogette is "the" mediator for racism criticism in Germany. She states that racism can be found in every area of our lives and our society. However, we have not learned to recognize it, let alone to talk about it. Thinking and living critically of racism is an opportunity to actively shape and reshape society and to create a fairer world for all of us. Because a genuine confrontation with racism opens up a new perspective on ourselves and our fellow human beings. It enables new perspectives and encounters. At the Vienna City Talk, Tupoka Ogette will talk with Barbara Tóth about how we can learn to live in a way that is critical of racism, in our circle of friends, in our families, as teachers at school, in our leisure activities and at work.
in german