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© www.transitionqueerfilmfestival.at


International queer & minorities film festival

16. - 20.11.2022, Schikaneder Kino Wien
21.11. - 04.12.2022 online


transition international queer & minorities film festival showcases the diversity of minorities within the lgbtiqa+ spectrum. every year in vienna, austria, we use film as a way to confront, break stereotypes and engage our audience using discussions, workshops and lectures.
we aim to increase visibility and initiate dialogue on migration, women*, people of color, refugees, dis/ability, trans*, religion and more. being minorities within a minority – our struggles, stories and his*herstories are often erased or are portrayed simplistically in one-dimensional ways, often laden with stereotypes.
so, unable to find ourselves in mainstream and queer cinema, transition was born in 2012 to provide a positive space for storytelling and use film as a tool to inform, educate and entertain.
together with a film program consisting of classic and contemporary films including shorts, documentaries and feature-length films; old faces and industry newcomers; we come together to celebrate the diverse nature of being queer.

more infos here https://www.transitionqueerfilmfestival.at/