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Farah Al Qasimi, Crane Accident © Galerie Krinzinger

Toy World - Farah Al Qasimi



08.11.2024 - 11.01.2025
Galerie Krinzinger
Seilerstätte 16, 1010 Wien


Toy World is Farah Al Qasimi's first solo exhibition at Galerie Krinzinger. Her work operates at complex intersections of authenticity and artificiality, themes that take on added urgency in an age often referred to as ‘post-truth’.

This ambiguity forms the basis for Qasimi's exploration of the nature of images in modern discourse, particularly in relation to war, power and identity. Qasimi's art juxtaposes staged and unstaged moments to challenge the viewer's perception, reflecting online experiences where truth and fiction become blurred. Her work investigates power structures, gender, (post-)coloniality and consumer aesthetics in a networked world, often conveying an uncanny geography that is both specific and placeless.

