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Stop the war

Collections of links

Open letter: War is war. Human being is a human being.

Afro Rainbow Austria and House of Guramayle are joining hands to mobilise community resources and provide help to Queer African siblings who are leaving Ukraine for safety.

You can support the initiative under the following link: https://linktr.ee/AfroRainbowAustria

Queer base
Are you persecuted in your country of origin or discriminated against because of your sexuality or gender identity? Queer Base helps and supports lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, intersex and queer/questioning people (LGBTIQ) who have fled to Austria.

LGBTQ Jewish Groups Condemn Invasion of Ukraine and Stand in Solidary with the LGBTQ Jewish Community.
Find out how to help.

1000things Redaktion

You want to support the people in Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees? We show you where you can drop off your donations in kind in Vienna.

Artists for Ukraine
Show of Solidarity with Ukraine
Museumsquartier Wien

Ein Koordinationsbüro – das »Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists« (artistshelp-ukraine.at)
Office Ukraine – Shelter for Ukrainian Artists & Krieg ist Krieg. Mensch ist Mensch. | cba – cultural broadcasting archive (fro.at)

In Austria, many relief efforts have already begun, including those of Volkshilfe Österreich, which has long been involved in Ukraine, or Caritas.