until May, 26, 2024
Exhibit Galerie, Schillerplatz 3, OG1, 1010 Wien
The exhibition and educational project Soundscapes of Intersectional Encounters: Exploring Identity Through Sound deals with the production of sound – from popular and artistic music productions to oral narratives – which are identity-forming for diasporas and intersectional communities.
Popular and artistic sounds, music and narratives in particular are often representative of an imagined sense of togetherness. This encompasses far more than regional and mostly fictionalized particularities and contexts, – even though these sounds stand as binding and as self-understanding-generating for a larger group, a group that defines itself purely through media experiences rather than through real, verifiable biographical dependencies. Sound moments and soundscapes can often be perceived as an image of diaspora belonging and emancipation. These collaborative auto-ethnographic media forms, the independent categorization and description of group histories, differs greatly from the expected image of diaspora as a closed, regionally bound group of experiences. This exhibition project therefore aims to present narratives through digital media contributions that reflect the language of auto-ethnography and ultimately make it usable and understandable for a larger public. The aim is to create a pidginized exhibition space that will enlarge and grow audibly and visibly during the exhibition through the program and educational events.
With contributions by: Brishty Alam, Salah Ammo, Zehra Baraçkılıç, Luiza Furtado, Studio Hassan, Ursula Hemetek, Hopscotch Reading Room, Simon Inou, Janine Jembere, Roshini Kempadoo, Stephanie Misa, Hosam Omran, Ruby Sircar, Deniz Sözen, Sakina Teyna, Sinthujan Varatharajah
Public Program with: Salah Ammo, Luiza Furtado, Seba Kayan, Hopscotch Reading Room, Hosam Omran, Studio Hassan, Sakina Teyna, Sinthujan Varatharajah
Curators: Ruby Sircar and Zehra Baraçkılıç
Exhibition Design: Studio Hassan, Zehra Baraçkılıç, Ruby Sircar
Soundscapes of Intersectional Encounters: Exploring Identity Through Sound – A...cademy of Fine Arts Vienna (akbild.ac.at)