Open Call
Deadline: June, 8, 2024
Open Call for Queer-inspired short films and video art for the upcoming mini-festival "Queer Visions".
All submissions should be sent in the form of a video link to the email address by June 8, 2024.
The screening of selected works is scheduled for June 14th and 15th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Queeres Bildungszentrum, Windmühlgasse 15, 1060 Vienna.
Authors of the selected works as well as the visitors are encouraged to participate in a podium discussion following each screening. The discussions will be moderated by Florian Aschka and Daria Sander (Queer Museum Vienna ), as well as Gerald van der Hint and Gregor Schmidinger (Warme Brüder
Please find detailed information below:
“Queer Visions” is a project that brings together a curated selection of queer short films and video works, creating a vibrant and inclusive platform for LGBTQ+ narratives. The aim of this cinematic celebration is to showcase the rich diversity of voices within the queer community and to offer a series of thought-provoking, empowering, and visually stunning stories.
“Queer Visions” welcomes submissions from all people, regardless of age, race, sex, or gender identity. We invite artists to submit their short film and video works exploring queer themes, stories, and perspectives.
Submission Process:
All submissions should be uploaded to a video-sharing platform (such as VIMEO) and sent as a link to the email address by Jun 8, 2024. Please include the following information in the email:
Name (or artistic name)
Gender and pronouns (if desired)
Title of the work
Short description of the work (max. 200 words)
Notification: All participants will be notified of the selection outcome vie Email by Jun 10, 2024.
The Queer Educational Centre sees itself as a public forum for inclusion, with its core principle being the appreciation and recognition of diversity in interaction and education. It was inaugurated in October 2023, as a joint a joint project between the counselling centres COURAGE and the Austrian Society of Sexology (ÖGS).