Theatre 14+
by Dschungel Wien & Medea Production
22. + 24.02.22, various beginning hours
Dschungel Wien
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
System-relevant monologues, 45 min. NO MORE NICENESS!
Actually, our voices, faces, bodies and thoughts are not supposed to be heard and seen. Politics is made on our backs, but we are not part of it. But suddenly we are considered system-relevant for society. As nurses, cashiers, hairdressers, cleaners and actresses, we free ourselves from our ascribed function and for the first time, as daughters* of Medea, we step out into the public sphere uncompromising and demanding.
Because what no one wants to know anymore and what no one talks about: Who are actually the descendants and above all the cultural heirs of Medea? That is us!
More Infos and Ticketlink: Dschungel
Directed by: Corinne Eckenstein
Assistence: Katharina Fischer
Text: Tunay Önder, Elif Bilici, Cecilia Kukua, Lilie Lin, Ines Miro, Ivana Nikolic
System-relevant Performers*: Elif Bilici, Cecilia Kukua, Lilie Lin/Yarina Gurtner, Ines Miro, Ivana Nikolic