Maloca Mundial

Virtual dialog forum of Klimabündnis Österreich

09.04.2024, 15:00 – 16:30
ZOOM: Meeting-ID: 826 484 0035


Guest in the virtual dialog forum of Klimabündnis Österreich/Climate Alliance Austria:
MAHKU: Ibã Sales Huni Kuin and Kássia Borges
From the Amazon to Venice: Climate change - cosmovision - art

Moderation: Silvia Jura, Facilitator: Dr. Marina Correa

In the Maloca Mundial, the virtual meeting space of the Climate Alliance, we will cover the causes and effects of man-made climate change in the Amazon, the oral tradition and culture of the Huni Kuin and the Venice Biennale. Guests from the Huni Kuin artists' collective MAHKU, Kazike Ibã Sales Huni Kuin and Kássia Borges, will join us live from Venice, where they are currently working on the 750m2 mural "Stranieri ovunque - foreigners everywhere" on the façade of the Biennale's entrance area. 
Ibã and Kássia, the two indigenous researchers, university professors and artists, show us how indigenous cosmovision is transformed into contemporary art and emotionally conveys messages about the environment, biodiversity and climate. As people affected by the flooding of the Rio Jordão in February 2024, they talk about the magic of water.

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