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© LUPI SPUMA & GPRformance

Jadi Carboni

Peaches grow wild along a scenic route

10. + 11.02.2024, 18:30
WUK, Währinger Str. 59, 1090 Wien


Jadi Carboni is a dancer, choreographer and body worker. She is an eclectic performing artist, working in public spaces and more conventional locations (theaters, museums, galleries) with dancers and non/dancers to create interdisciplinary projects, participatory interventions and dance films...
Her exploration develops through somatic practices and postmodern techniques, voice and its relation with gesture. Bringing awareness to the natural dialogue between the inner and outer space, she witnesses how they transform and “in-form” one another. She is committed to breaking down the fourth wall, inviting the audience to feel part of the artistic creation and the interpreters to be aware that the public is part of the creation and the performing process.
All Infos here!