04.02. - 01.05.2022
TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol
Maria-Theresien-Str. 45,6020 Innsbruck
How can we follow other paths that are as good for us as we are for them? How can we act without categorizing, measuring, and evaluating? How can we enjoy energetic fields in their plurality instead of conceiving of them as an omniscient center that watches over us and punishes?
Curated by Nina Tabassomi
With: Ursula Beiler, Karrabing Film Collective, Emeka Ogboh, Elisabeth von Samsonow, Tejal Shah
Infos on the exhibtion
Exhibition: Tue-Sun 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Thu 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
The exhibition will unfold processually over time. Starting with paintings and sculptures by Elisabeth von Samsonow, works by the Karrabing Film Collective, Tejal Shah, and Emeka Ogboh will move one by one into the TAXISPALAIS in two-week intervals; in between Ursula Beiler will present performances. The public is admitted to the show four times with a single ticket, and will have the opportunity to witness the works being set up. Newsletters will be sent out once each new work has been installed. The show will end with a party on the finissage weekend, pandemic protocols allowing.