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© Jakob Lindner

Flight of the Birds


until Jan, 20, 2024
Galerie Hinterland, Krongasse 20, 1050 Wien


30 artists from different parts of the world come together to present their works. With different visions, confronting their cultural approaches and ideas on the theme of birds. At the same time, the epic The Conference of Birds serves as the basis of the project. The media used range from painting, photography, video, sound to design. The exhibition, in which each artist enters into a dialogue and describes the world in which we live from his / her perspective. Various contemporary issues of migration, climate change, war, work, peace and freedom are represented. Flight of the Birds takes us on a journey and invites us to immerse ourselves in different cultural perspectives and bird's eye views. 

Artists: Chantal Peñalosa, Chiara Zenzani, Jorge de León, Paola Madormo, Luana Segato luse, Simona Saggion, Ernesto Novelo, Habacuc, Agata S. Z,  Mario Cresci, Cecilia Miranda, Carlos Perez, Stefan Reiterer, Alberto Storari,  Verena Andrea Prenner, Luis Casanova Sorolla, Ilona Rainer-Pranter, Nicoletta De Santoli, Israel & Diego Martínez, Gabriel Ramírez, Cristina Rubalcava, Alessandro Sanchez, Iris Corvino, Gjoke Gojani, Jenniffer Paiz, Cristina Calderoni, Barbara Ventura, Jakob Kirchmayr, Vito Lauciello, Leandro Asoli

Curator: Oscarito Sanchez Co Curator: Caroline Ahorner