International days of information
13. - 15.05.2022
A window into the complex present in which we live.
To foster the development of democracy, as well as personal everyday orientation, independent and reliable information is indispensable. We require high-quality journalism, background information, fact-based analyses, and a media landscape that adheres to its controlling function. We are in need of space to develop knowledge and to accumulate creative impulses by individuals who are involved with culture. Hence, we secure the necessary participation for the democratic process.
The Journalismusfest Innsbruck is a site for exchange, debate, and cultural exchange. Journalists from multiple European regions lay out their specific areas of expertise. They debate with scientists, representatives of NGOs, and experts for current discourses. Additionally, they also engage with the audience. During book presentations and readings, reporters display their experience and provide insight into their work. Furthermore, there are exhibitions of documentary photography, comics, documentaries, and audio features.
The majority of events are free of charge.
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