Development policy film and dialogue evenings 2024
04. - 30.04.2024
Upper Austria, different venues
In April 2024, the Welthaus of the Diocese of Linz presents the development policy film and dialogue evenings FERNSICHT on 6 evenings and at 6 locations. Fernsicht 24 is all about the Philippines. The focus is on sustainable development goals - on topics such as women's (rights), empowerment, rural development, fewer inequalities, global partnerships, environmental rights, media disinformation, good governance, migration, care work, labour and human rights.
Speakers with knowledge of the region and the situation will make the focus country of the Philippines tangible and tangible with all senses in discussions and lectures, supported by film contributions. The film selection provides a cinematic introduction to the talks and film discussions. The guest list includes profound experts on the focus country.
The FERNSICHT film and dialogue evenings start at Moviemento Linz (4.4.) and continue at Kino Katsdorf (9.4.), Kino Freistadt (11.4.), Programmkino Wels (18.4.), Stadttheater Gmunden (23.4.) and Schloss Zell/Pram (30.4.).
FERNSICHT is supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with funds from the Austrian Development Cooperation, the province of Upper Austria, the Society for Political Education, Linz Kultur and the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour.
The detailed programme is available on the website