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© Marija Kanizai, Carolina Frank, Andrea Huber

DUDES halten endlich die Klappe


26.11. - 17.12.2022, 20:00
Theater im Bahnhof Graz, Elisabethinergasse 27a, 8020 Graz


A collective creation
In the end, they are to blame for everything. You can quickly agree on that in many discourses. They still sit in the majority at the levers of power, they decide, they have resources and networks, their perspective is invisible and omnipresent.
In the social struggles that challenge this dominance, you can literally divide the world into two camps: on one side, the white, healthy, Christian, heterosexual, wealthy, old men, and on the other, everyone else.
So they should finally shut up. They should make room. They should take a powder.



Staging: Sahar Rahimi
Actor*s: Ed. Hauswirth, Rupert Lehofer, Emilia Thelen, Florentina Piffl 
Scenography: Helene Thümmel
Concept: Rupert Lehofer, Sahar Rahimi, Ed. Hauswirth,
Production: Christina Helena Romirer