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(un)sichtbar systemrelevant


15.10.21, 10:00 - 17:00
mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Bankettsaal
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien


Lectures and dialogue with Laura Wiesböck and Silke Felber. (in German)

A student initiative by Tanja Süss, Dagmar Tröstler and Nedim Kapic under the project management of Evelyn Annuß, funded by the Gender|Queer|Diversity Call_mdw 2020.
In times of crisis, social grievances become visible with particular intensity. As a feminist student initiative with an interest in the relationship between the culture industry, the gender order and structures of inequality, we want to examine what has happened and changed during the past months and the topic of system relevance and (in)visibility. What is the political function of such designations? Which population groups have not been addressed or even excluded in the current discourse? What are the gendered implications and in what ways can they be considered intersectionally? In what ways are the policies chosen by policymakers in the crisis that conform to a "one-fits-all" model a simplification of realities that are much more complex?

All info

Registration under: unsichtbarsystemrelevant@gmail.com
2G-Rule (Vaccinated or Recovered), FFP2-Obligation