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Pêdra Costa, 101011 (Detail) © Arthur Little

„101011“ + „RESET“

2 Exhibitions

08.11.2023 – 27.01.2024
das weisse haus, Hegelgasse 14, 1010 Wien

--->  Sound Chamber “Reset“with Hüma Utku, Ernst Lima, Hyeji Nam and Jessica Ekomane  
curated by Pia Wamsler

Opening: 07.11.2023, 7pm
Duration:  08.11.2023 – 27.01.2024 

"RESET" explores the transformative power of sound art. Isolated from visual stimuli and reduced to a purely auditory sensory perception, the sound chamber invites us to recalibrate our perception away from the sensory overstimulation of everyday life. Four works produced and adapted for the space nest in the darkness, enabling visitors to dive into an immersive soundscape.

--->  “101011” by Pêdra Costa | Erste Bank Art Award 2023

Opening: 07.11.2023, 7pm
exhibition duration: 08.11.2023 – 27.01.2024 

For the duration of the solo exhibition "101011", das weisse haus transforms into a multi-sensory landscape of experience that encourages inwardness and self-exploration. Through the use of spiritual technologies and practices, Pêdra Costa challenges the notions of the self and opens up a liminal space in which the alchemy of art and spirituality unfolds. It is oriented around the 22 major arcanas of the Tarot archetypes, which occupy the space as installative works and guide the visitors on their self-knowledge journey. 