In support of the International Decade for People of African Descent, proclaimed by the United Nation's General Assembly resolution 68/237 and to be observed from 2015 to 2024, we are hereby cordially inviting you to a panel discussion which analyses the portrayal of people of African heritage within the Austrian civil society.
How has the African continent been depicted historically, by whom and what were the intentions behind it? What kind of images and information about the motherland are Austrian school children being confronted with? (E.g. the movies which are recommended to their teachers, school books etc). What are the social and political consequences of these images? Where can we find alternative visions to the dominating ones? What measures are currently taken by the Austrian civil society to implement the three main pillars of the UN International Decade for People of African Descent?
Although the event will be organized in form of a panel discussion the floor will be open for questions at all times. We invite our audience to exchange and express their views in an open dialogue. Following the event, we invite our guests to a delicious Ghanaian buffet and the possibility to network!
1) To promote respect, protection and fulfilment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by people of African Descent, as recognized in the “United
Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights”;
2) To promote a greater knowledge of and respect for the diverse heritage, culture and contribution of people of African descent to the development of societies;
3) To adopt and strengthen national, regional and international legal frameworks according to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and
the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and to ensure their full and effective implementation.
Kick-off presentation:
Simon INOU and Denise Van De Cruze
looking back at 20 years of political work, from 1999 til 2019.
Our speakers on the panel:
Christa Markom: is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (University of Vienna). She coordinates the EU Project TRANSCA - Translating Socio-Cultural Anthropology into Education and is the author of the books: "Die Anderen im Schulbuch. Rassismen, Exotismen, Sexismen und Antisemitismus in österreichischen Schulbüchern" und "Rassismus aus der Mitte. Die soziale Konstruktion der »Anderen« in Österreich". Her main research topics are the social anthropology of education, migration and discrimination. Besides her scientific work she is Trainer and Coach for Teachers, Social Workers and Pedagogues regarding integration, trauma, violence and discrimination.
Gina Kaufmann: Program coordinator, with 12 years of teaching experience both in the Austrian and international school system.
Vanessa Spanbauer studied History and is presently writing her Master thesis in Contemporary History and the Media at the University of Vienna. She is a Journalist who worked for different Media outlets such as Gotv, Biber, Antenne Wien, Noisey/Vice and currently an.schläge. In December 2016 she became Editor-in-Chief of fresh - Black Austrian Lifestyle, a magazine dedicated to the 2nd and 3rd Generation of People with African an ancestry and the Diaspora. Spanbauer also became part in historical projects, such as the exhibition „Black Austria. The Children of African-American GIs“ (Volkskundemuseum 2016). In addition she has a background in communication and is part of the ZARA - Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit PR team.
Yann W. Tanoé is a French Activist and educational facilitator of West African origins. Yann has taught in several academies (Flagship High Schools) and is currently head of French subject. Through his extra curricular responsibilities as world link in the academy, Yann has been successful in raising awareness of the African representation in the curriculum and the student community through his series of assemblies/ talks and lessons emphasizing the successes of the continent
Organized by ArtSeeks Communications and in cooperation with kulturen in bewegung - “Dis-Othering Beyond Afropolitan & other Labels” a Creative Europe collaborative project on the necessary deconstruction of ‘othering’ practices in European cultural institutions.